Friday, January 2, 2015

Bond In Mourning Marks January 2 in Bond 365

Today, I am turning to literature for a Bond event. Referencing John Griswold’s Ian Fleming’s James Bond: Annotations and Chronologies for Ian Fleming’s Bond Stores, January 2, 1962 would have marked the first day of mourning for Bond, after his wedding the prior day to the Contessa Teresa di Vicenzo.

Based on the story and the film, On Her Majesty’s Secret Service, James Bond (George Lazenby, in his one and only Bond appearance) saved Teresa (Dame Diana Rigg) from thugs on a beach as evening approached on September 17, 1961. In a way, the meeting foreshadowed their chaotic relationship – she pulled a gun on Bond at one point – theirs was a whirlwind romance. In less than four months, Bond proposed and they married on January 1, 1962. While driving to their honeymoon destination, Kitzbuthel, Austria, Bond pulled off the road. As they talked, a car passed – a pop – and in a moment, Tracy was taken from Bond. It was a sad, raw moment for Bond.

They may have had issues off-screen, but on-screen, they sizzled

Behind the camera, most Bond fans are aware of the personality clashes between Lazenby and Rigg, with stories of onion eating before kissing scenes just one of many stories to surface. However, their performances did not reveal any rifts they had for each other off-camera. Both gave touching performances, especially in the barn scene leading up to Bond’s proposal, and then the scene of Bond comforting his dead wife after she had been shot.

James and Tracy, who thought they had All the Time in the World

If you are not familiar’s with Griswold’s reference book, I will be posting a review at a later date. In the meantime, pop over to Amazon to have a look.

Penguin book cover of OHMSS

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